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FORD models

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Ford Escort Mk2 R #3 Circuit of Ireland 1980 Coleman-Brendan by IXO MODELS
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Ford Escort Mk2 R #3 Circuit of Ireland 1980 Coleman-Brendan
IXO MODELS 1/43 scale
Item# IXO.RAC440
Price: Euro 33.22
+sales tax(Vat) for European Union countries
(US$ 36.03)
Ford Escort Mk2 R 1977 (Red) by WHITEBOX
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Ford Escort Mk2 R 1977 (Red)
WHITEBOX 1/24 scale
Item# WBX.WB124223
Price: Euro 25.80
+sales tax(Vat) for European Union countries
(US$ 27.99)
Ford Escort Mk2 RAC Rally 1977 Dawson - Marriott by TROFEU
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Ford Escort Mk2 RAC Rally 1977 Dawson - Marriott
TROFEU 1/43 scale
Item# TRF.RRUK49
Price: Euro 54.43
+sales tax(Vat) for European Union countries
(US$ 59.05)
Ford Escort Mk2 RS 1800 #4 1000 Lakes Rally 1977 Vatanen - Aho by IXO MODELS
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Ford Escort Mk2 RS 1800 #4 1000 Lakes Rally 1977 Vatanen - Aho
IXO MODELS 1/18 scale
Item# IXO.18RMC143
Price: Euro 58.24
+sales tax(Vat) for European Union countries
(US$ 63.18)
Ford Escort Mk2 RS 1800 1976 (Yellow/Black) by IXO MODELS
In stock!
Ford Escort Mk2 RS 1800 1976 (Yellow/Black)
IXO MODELS 1/43 scale
Item# IXO.CLC450
Price: Euro 25.99
+sales tax(Vat) for European Union countries
(US$ 28.19)
Ford Escort Mk2 RS1600 Sport (Red) by SUNSTAR

Ford Escort Mk2 RS1600 Sport (Red)
SUNSTAR 1/18 scale
Item# SUN.4618
Price: Euro 78.30
+sales tax(Vat) for European Union countries
(US$ 84.94)
Ford Escort Mk2 RS1800 #2 Circuit of Ardennes Airikkala - Pironen by SUNSTAR

Ford Escort Mk2 RS1800 #2 Circuit of Ardennes Airikkala - Pironen
SUNSTAR 1/18 scale
Item# SUN.4662
Price: Euro 82.48
+sales tax(Vat) for European Union countries
(US$ 89.48)
Ford Escort Mk2 RS1800 #2 Rally New Zeland 1977 Vatanen - Scott by SUNSTAR

Ford Escort Mk2 RS1800 #2 Rally New Zeland 1977 Vatanen - Scott
SUNSTAR 1/18 scale
Item# SUN.4665
Price: Euro 78.30
+sales tax(Vat) for European Union countries
(US$ 84.94)
Ford Escort Mk2 RS1800 #2 Rally Sweden 1977 Vatanen - Harryman by IXO MODELS
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Ford Escort Mk2 RS1800 #2 Rally Sweden 1977 Vatanen - Harryman
IXO MODELS 1/18 scale
Item# IXO.18RMC142
Price: Euro 58.24
+sales tax(Vat) for European Union countries
(US$ 63.18)
Ford Escort Mk2 RS1800 #3 Rally Ypres 1978 Staepelaere - Frans. by SUNSTAR

Ford Escort Mk2 RS1800 #3 Rally Ypres 1978 Staepelaere - Frans.
SUNSTAR 1/18 scale
Item# SUN.4664
Price: Euro 78.30
+sales tax(Vat) for European Union countries
(US$ 84.94)
Ford Escort Mk2 RS1800 1976 (Light Beige) by IXO MODELS
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Ford Escort Mk2 RS1800 1976 (Light Beige)
IXO MODELS 1/43 scale
Item# IXO.CLC538
Price: Euro 20.43
+sales tax(Vat) for European Union countries
(US$ 22.16)
Ford Escort Mk2 RS1800 Esso #9 RAC Rally 1978 Clark - Wilson by MINICHAMPS
In stock!
Ford Escort Mk2 RS1800 Esso #9 RAC Rally 1978 Clark - Wilson
MINICHAMPS 1/43 scale
Item# MIN.400788409
Price: Euro 55.93
+sales tax(Vat) for European Union countries
(US$ 60.67)
Ford Escort Mk2 RS2000 #43 Spa 1980 Kummle - Mauer - Ketterer by TROFEU
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Ford Escort Mk2 RS2000 #43 Spa 1980 Kummle - Mauer - Ketterer
TROFEU 1/43 scale
Item# TRF.RRBE38
Price: Euro 57.66
+sales tax(Vat) for European Union countries
(US$ 62.55)
Ford Escort Mk2 RS2000 #59 Rally Monte Carlo 1982 Baroni - Baud by TROFEU
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Ford Escort Mk2 RS2000 #59 Rally Monte Carlo 1982 Baroni - Baud
TROFEU 1/43 scale
Item# TRF.RRFR65
Price: Euro 65.79
+sales tax(Vat) for European Union countries
(US$ 71.37)
Ford Escort Mk2 RS2000 (Black) by MCG

Ford Escort Mk2 RS2000 (Black)
MCG 1/18 scale
Item# MCG.MCG18405
Price: Euro 54.94
+sales tax(Vat) for European Union countries
(US$ 59.60)
Ford Escort Mk2 RS2000 (Black) by VANGUARDS
In stock!
Ford Escort Mk2 RS2000 (Black)
VANGUARDS 1/43 scale
Item# VNG.VA14906
Price: Euro 33.74
+sales tax(Vat) for European Union countries
(US$ 36.60)
Ford Escort Mk2 RS2000 (Signal Green) by VANGUARDS
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Ford Escort Mk2 RS2000 (Signal Green)
VANGUARDS 1/43 scale
Item# VNG.VA14907
Price: Euro 33.74
+sales tax(Vat) for European Union countries
(US$ 36.60)
Ford Escort Mk2 RS2000 RHD (Light Green) by MCG

Ford Escort Mk2 RS2000 RHD (Light Green)
MCG 1/18 scale
Item# MCG.MCG18406
Price: Euro 54.94
+sales tax(Vat) for European Union countries
(US$ 59.60)
Ford Escort Mk3 RS Turbo #35 Hunsruck Rally 1985 Andervang .- Schoonenwolf by MCG
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Ford Escort Mk3 RS Turbo #35 Hunsruck Rally 1985 Andervang .- Schoonenwolf
MCG 1/18 scale
Item# MCG.MCG18422
Price: Euro 54.94
+sales tax(Vat) for European Union countries
(US$ 59.60)
Ford Escort Mk3 RS Turbo #7 Haspengiouw Rally 1985 Andervang .- Schoonenwolf by MCG
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Ford Escort Mk3 RS Turbo #7 Haspengiouw Rally 1985 Andervang .- Schoonenwolf
MCG 1/18 scale
Item# MCG.MCG18421
Price: Euro 54.94
+sales tax(Vat) for European Union countries
(US$ 59.60)
Ford Escort Mk3 RS Turbo 1984 (Black) by IXO MODELS
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Ford Escort Mk3 RS Turbo 1984 (Black)
IXO MODELS 1/43 scale
Item# IXO.CLC419N
Price: Euro 20.43
+sales tax(Vat) for European Union countries
(US$ 22.16)
Ford Escort Mk3 RS Turbo 1985 (Black) by MCG
In stock!
Ford Escort Mk3 RS Turbo 1985 (Black)
MCG 1/18 scale
Item# MCG.MCG18420
Price: Euro 54.94
+sales tax(Vat) for European Union countries
(US$ 59.60)
Ford Escort Mk3 RS Turbo 1985 (White) by MCG

Ford Escort Mk3 RS Turbo 1985 (White)
MCG 1/18 scale
Item# MCG.MCG18419
Price: Euro 54.94
+sales tax(Vat) for European Union countries
(US$ 59.60)
Ford Escort Mk3 RS Turbo Lady Diana by SUNSTAR

Ford Escort Mk3 RS Turbo Lady Diana
SUNSTAR 1/18 scale
Item# SUN.4964R
Price: Euro 99.22
+sales tax(Vat) for European Union countries
(US$ 107.64)

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Deliveries outside European Union may be subject to import taxes and duties.

The US$ price is an indicative cost based on an average exchange rate, all sales will be charged in Euro.

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