McLaren Ford M23 Gilles Villeneuve GP England 1977 (first F1 GP of Gilles Villeneuve)

Scala: 1/43 Produttore: MINICHAMPS

Item# MIN.530774340

McLaren Ford M23 Gilles Villeneuve GP England 1977 (first F1 GP of Gilles Villeneuve) by minichamps
McLaren Ford M23 Gilles Villeneuve GP England 1977 (first F1 GP of Gilles Villeneuve) - minichamps
McLaren Ford M23 Gilles Villeneuve GP England 1977 (first F1 GP of Gilles Villeneuve) - minichamps

MINICHAMPS McLaren Ford M23 Gilles Villeneuve GP England 1977 (first F1 GP of Gilles Villeneuve) 1/43

MINICHAMPS - 530774340 - 1/43 - MCLAREN - Formula 1 - Auto vincitrici

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